Med-Kick – Value-Based Care Management Services


Principal Care Management

Initially added as a new program by CMS in 2020, Principal Care Management (PCM) provides care to patients with a chronic condition that might lead to hospitalization or death.

Similarly to CCM, PCM patients are closely monitored and have regular communication with our expert clinical staff. Enrollment requires only one chronic condition but has augmented time requirements for billing codes.

Advantages of Principal Care Management

Med-Kick is the full-time extension for ongoing care

Deliver collaborative care and get reimbursed for PCM services seamlessly. Provide care for patients with one chronic illness to help navigate and stabilize the condition and the possible prevention of an exacerbation that may arise.

Principal Care Management

Do you have a chronic health condition? Managing it can be difficult and hard to keep up with. That’s why you should consider principal care management, which is designed to help you get the best care possible.

Coordinates all of your medical treatments, appointments and medications

Allows your doctor to communicate with specialists more easily

Gives you direct access to healthcare services, such as nutrition and physical therapy

Helps you make informed decisions about your treatment based on data-driven research

Provides support for families and caregivers of those with chronic conditions

Makes sure that all of your healthcare providers are aware of your needs, and makes it easier for you to navigate the healthcare system

Principal Care CPT / Medicare

CPT code​


Standard PCM

Initial 30 minutes of interactive clinical staff time.

Billing Frequency:

CPT code​


CCM Add-On

Subsequent 30 minutes of interactive clinical staff time.

Billing Frequency:

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